What types of Sports Injuries are commonly treated with Orthopaedic Surgery?

What types of Sports Injuries are commonly treated with Orthopaedic Surgery?

01 Mar 2024

Orthopaedic surgery is essential in treating a wide range of sports injuries, allowing players to rehabilitate and restore full performance. Sports Orthopaedic Surgery In Delhi is often used to treat a wide range of sports injuries affecting joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Understanding these injuries and the surgical techniques used is essential for athletes seeking thorough treatment.

Here are the types of sports injuries treated with Sports Orthopaedic Surgery in Delhi

Meniscus Tears: Meniscus tears are common in exercises that entail twisting or impact on the knee. Meniscectomy and meniscus repair are surgical techniques used to treat meniscus injuries, relieve pain, and preserve knee function.

Rotator Cuff Tears: Rotator cuff injuries damage the shoulder and are prevalent in sports that require repetitive overhead motions. Orthopaedic surgery may include arthroscopic treatment to fix the damaged tendons, improving shoulder strength and function.

Labral Tears: Labral tears are most commonly found in the hip or shoulder joints and can be caused by trauma or overuse. The goal of orthopaedic surgery, which is commonly arthroscopic, is to repair the torn labrum, stabilise the joint, and relieve discomfort.

Stress Fractures: Overuse or repetitive impact on bones can result in stress fractures, which are frequent among runners and athletes who participate in high-impact sports. In severe instances, orthopaedic surgery may be required, which includes treatments such as internal fixation to assist bone recovery.

Dislocations: In contact sports, bones are often wrenched out of their usual places. Orthopaedic surgery is frequently necessary to reset and stabilise the joint, therefore avoiding further dislocations.

Tendonitis: Tendonitis, or inflammation of the tendons, is frequent in sports that involve repeated actions. Orthopaedic surgery may be considered if conservative treatments fail, involving procedures like tendon debridement to alleviate symptoms.

Fractures: Fractures can occur in a variety of sports as a result of direct contact or falls. Orthopaedic surgery is frequently required to straighten and stabilise shattered bones, allowing appropriate recovery.

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis): Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is characterised by discomfort and inflammation in the elbow’s outer region. Orthopaedic surgery, such as lateral epicondylitis release, may be suggested for instances that do not respond to conservative therapy.

Achilles Tendon Ruptures: Achilles tendon ruptures can happen during activities that require abrupt bursts of speed. Surgical intervention, which frequently includes tendon repair, is used to restore function and avoid re-rupture.

Ankle Sprains: Ankle sprains are prevalent in sports requiring lateral motions and may need orthopaedic surgery, such as ligament restoration, to restore stability.

Cartilage Injuries: Cartilage injuries are common in the knee joint and can be caused by trauma or deterioration. Orthopaedic surgery, which includes techniques such as microfracture and cartilage transplantation, seeks to improve cartilage regeneration.

Shin Splints: Shin splints, which cause discomfort along the shinbone, are frequent among runners and athletes who participate in high-impact exercises. Orthopaedic surgery is seldom required; however, it may be considered in extreme circumstances.

Bursitis: Bursitis, an inflammation of fluid-filled sacs surrounding joints, may require surgery to drain or remove the afflicted bursa.

Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee): Jumper’s knee is an inflammation of the patellar tendon that may necessitate orthopaedic surgery, such as tendon debridement, in severe instances.

How long does it take to resume sports activities after orthopaedic surgery?

  • The specific orthopaedic operation done has a considerable impact on the recovery duration. More difficult procedures can require a longer recovery period.
  • Every person’s body reacts differently after surgery. Overall health, age, and commitment to rehabilitation techniques all influence recovery time.
  • Following a personalised recovery programme is essential. Consistent and thorough participation in physical therapy sessions and prescribed exercises speed up the recovery process.
  • The severity of the initial injury or ailment that prompted surgery is an important consideration. Severe injuries may require a slower return to athletic activity.
  • Commitment to postoperative care requirements, such as correct wound care, pain treatment, and follow-up consultations, is essential for a full recovery.
  • Before returning to sports, athletes must first receive approval from their orthopaedic specialist. The surgeon assesses the healing process and guarantees that the body is prepared for the physical demands of sport.
  • Resuming athletic activity is a gradual process. Starting with low-impact activities and gradually increasing intensity helps avoid re-injury and assures a long-term return to sports.
  • Mental preparation is essential. Before participating in full-fledged sporting activities, athletes should have confidence in their physical ability and trust the recovery process.
  • Different sports have varied physical demands. The nature of the sport determines the timetable for a safe return, with high-impact sports sometimes needing a longer recuperation period.
  • Athletes should be aware of any pain or discomfort during and after sports. Gradual reintroduction enables attentive monitoring.

Resuming sports activities following orthopaedic surgery is an important part of an athlete’s rehabilitation process. The timeframe for returning to sports is highly individualised, depending on the kind of surgery, the severity of the injury, and the athlete’s dedication to recovery. Athletes receive specialised care from Dr Ankit Varshney, Sports Orthopaedic Surgeon In Delhi, to ensure a safe return to athletic activity.
